Video Transcription

Video transcription involves converting video files into text documents. A video transcript is a text version of all the words spoken in your video.

Through video transcription, transcribers capture all the conversations in a movie or TV show with accuracy including the sound effects of the visuals. This helps the spectators all round the globe to follow the conversation correctly. First time when you watch a movie or TV show, you may not be able to follow the conversations keenly for many reasons. But a video transcriber can capture all the conversations accurately. Even background sounds of a TV show or movie can be transcribed using video transcription. For example- a visual of barking dogs can be transcribed as ‘dogs are barking’, this helps the deaf who will not be able to follow the sound effects or conversations that happens in the visual media.

This helps people who have difficulty watching the audiovisual format of the TV or movie show and needs to read the video transcription to understand the content better.

Why need a video transcription?


Video transcription serves a variety of purposes like-

Producers most often order professional transcripts to meet to the stringent deliverable requirements of the networks that will be airing their programs. Also the transcripts serve as an accurate written record of a show’s content including dialogue, speaker identification, time code references and where necessary camera work. These video transcripts are also utilized by the language customization professionals while translating a program’s content into another language.

The videos of commercials, songs, films, interviews, television serials, motion pictures, academic and educational trainings are transcribed for various purposes. The transcriptions of these video files are useful for organizations, schools, media companies, universities. Digital video formats are very convenient, cost effective and easy to use. The digital formats like mp4, WMV, Real media, Quick time bring greater advantage in recording and storing the data, which are more used by pod casters, web casters and independent video creators. The transcription of these digital video formats are very useful for search engine optimization for pod casters, web casters and video transcripts are much needed for independent video creators, media and production companies.

By having your video transcribed and uploading that transcript to YouTube, you are giving Google specific information about the content of your video. When someone searches for a phrase mentioned in the video, Google will be able to include your video in the search results and may even start the video playing at the point where that search phrase is used.

Television networks, independent producers, educational organizations and multimedia companies require their videos to be transcribed very often.

This process highly needs professionalism to a very high degree. The conversion of the video file into a readable transcript should be done by highly qualified professional transcriptionist.

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transcription services of all types over the years. Transcription Vendors is another project of the company to make transcription companies and clients meets on a single platform .Author: Ajay Prasad